Create a Typed Event Emitter with Native Browser APIs

You can create an event emitter in the browser, much like the Node.js EventEmitter API. We'll be using the EventTarget and CustomEvent browser APIs to achieve this. The browser support for these APIs is good, but if you need more browser coverage, there are also polyfills available, such as custom-event-polyfill. As a bonus, we can make the events and their details fully typed with TypeScript.

class EventEmitter extends EventTarget {
  constructor() {

  on<T extends EventType>(
    type: T, listener: (e: CustomEvent<EventTypeToDetailMap[T]>) => void
  ) {
    return this.addEventListener(type, listener);

  emit<T extends EventType>(
    type: T, detail: EventTypeToDetailMap[T]
  ) {
    const event = new CustomEvent(type, { detail })
    return this.dispatchEvent(event);

type EventType = keyof EventTypeToDetailMap;

type EventTypeToDetailMap = {
  'customEvent1': number;
  'customEvent2': Array<string>;

As we write event listeners and emitters for certain events, we get type checking for those specific events:

type checking for EventEmitter.on

type checking for EventEmitter.emit